Saturday, September 19, 2009

SAT as a Predictor

While success can be based on many factors, some fields of study use the SAT as a measure of 'keeping up with the Joneses'. Engineering schools want high Math scores (to follow along with profs who write a dozen equations on the board); likewise, journalism schools want high verbal scores.
Because grades are subjective, the SAT is a broader indicator. Due to the absence of a national curriculum, we can think of the SAT as a unifier for a reasonable body of knowledge for high schoolers.
As a Math peak performance coach, I have found that studying for the SAT can be challenging and entertaining while promoting brain fitness at any age. Although I graduated from college in 19XX, this October 10th I will take the SAT to gain perspective, to have fun, and to boost mental fitness.

Click here for the SAT Question of the Day

Click here for related blogging on the SATs

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