Monday, May 31, 2010

The SAT vs the Marathon

When I took the SAT in October 2009, the students thought I was the proctor!  It was helpful to relive the test-taking experience plus I learned a lot of grammar.  A marathon is an interesting comparison as preparation for an athletic event is very similar to an academic event. 
There is a peak performance aspect -- the preparation is the key -- actual timed practice as well as self-care (sleep, food, etc) help with mental and physical  performance.  At the end of the day regardless of the results, the payoff is in the energy and effort expended.

I was inspired by a 2009 Wall Street Journal article written by a reporter whose teenage son dared her to take the SATs What I Learned from the SATs.

SAT                      vs.                           Marathon

4.5 hours                                              Variable

Indoors                                                 Outdoors

Teens                                                    Various age levels

Increase cognitive abilities                      Improve physical fitness

Monday, May 24, 2010

Final Exam Success Tip 1: Don't Write on Your Review Sheet

A review sheet is a gift ;)
Most teachers are giving away much of the exam on their review sheets!!
Don't write the answers on your review sheet!
It's the independent practice of reworking the problems that will boost learning, confidence and scores.

Review Sheet Tip from Math Confidence Blog

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 2010 Newsletter Brain Teaser Solution

Tom can beat Dick by one-tenth of a mile in a five-mile race. Dick can beat Harry by one-fifth of a mile in a five-mile race. By how much can Tom beat Harry in a five-mile race?

Tom runs 5 miles in the time it takes Dick to run 4.9 miles.  This is a rate of 98% or .98.
Dick runs 5 miles in the time it takes Harry to run 4.8 miles.  This is a rate of 96% or .96.

So the rate of Harry to Dick is (0.98)(0.96)5 so Harry was 4.704 miles along when Tom finished.
So Tom beat Harry by 0.296 miles.