The TI-83/4 is an easy-to-use graphing calculator that allows teachers and students to understand, teach and learn Math differently than in 19XX.
While we were asked to do lots of computations and use trig and log tables, today's students are asked to be analytical. Using the calculator on the SAT is actually more of a distractor than a help as the questions posed are reasoning rather than number crunching. Please see the Wall Street Journal (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125244891686393811.html) for an update on TI's latest N-Spire graphing calculator...many teachers are keeping their 84s due to its ease-of-use -- in half an hour, students can learn enough to be dangerous ;)
Here's the link to mathconfidence's comment: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB125244891686393811.html#articleTabs=comments#comment450823
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