Tuesday, June 02, 2009

"Test Prep Really Does Help Us Learn"

This New York Times article "New York City Shows Gains in Math" ended with a quote from a sixth grader: "Test prep really does help us learn."

Math Confidence workshops show how test prep can benefit learners:

“Using ‘Good Wrong Answers’ to Achieve Math Confidence and Success”
Test prep can be used as a learning tool as multiple choice tests have tempting incorrect answers that often reflect students’ common misunderstandings. Studying these “good wrong answers” and identifying potential errors leads to deeper comprehension, higher confidence and better grades while improving problem-solving skills.

“Exchanging Ideas and Strategies for Math (Regents/SAT/SHSAT/3-8) Success”
This forum includes a lively and engaging discussion on multiple choice questions, metacognition, TI-83/4 strategies (for Regents and SAT) and topics generated by the participants.

In New York, prior state tests are public information, creating a teaching and learning opportunity for students, parents, teachers and the public at large. Using old or sample exams as an educational supplement, people can raise metacognition (thinking about thinking) and gain content exposure.

The Stuyvesant/Bronx Science exam (SHSAT)is a much more intense indicator (than the state tests) of expectations for early 8th graders. Here is the link to the SHSAT handbook that contains two sample exams.

NYS Elementary and Intermediate exams for all subjects
Grades 3 - 8 http://www.nysedregents.org/testing/eleminttests.html

Click here for high school content http://www.jmap.org/

Robin Schwartz

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