Sunday, June 07, 2009

Rising Above IQ: Perseverance and Drive

Perseverance and drive helped our son learn to read!!!

As a Math peak performance coach and the Mom of a dyslexic son, I can see the fruits of hard work and parental involvement. By the sweat of our brows, an awesome whole-language program (Al Dicker Reading program), an excellent reading teacher weekly and a parent/child half hour daily session for the past 15 months, our 9.5 year old son can now read. This afternoon, we finished Little House on the Prairie. Tomorrow brings On the Banks of Plum Creek.

Below are some comments from March regarding Nisbett's book from my Math Confidence blog:
Innate intelligence as measured by IQ can be increased
IQ is not the most important success factor


Anonymous said...

Currently working as an Academic Intervention Specialist with at risk students. Your blog offered some great tips- Math seems to be a tough hurdle for most of my students.
you might want to check out an article in today's WSJ on the positive results of test prep with H.S. students.

Anonymous said...

Currently working as an Academic Intervention Specialist with at risk students. Your blog offered some great tips- Math seems to be a tough hurdle for most of my students.
you might want to check out an article in today's WSJ on the positive results of test prep with H.S. students.

6:37 PM

Robin Schwartz said...

Thank you very much for the nice feedback and for highlighting the WSJ article.

Knowledge = Power

Friday's Wall Street Journal included "Data Driven Schools See Rising Scores" that focused on positive outcomes (in Montgomery County, Md.) through the use of computer tracking and student assessments.