Thursday, April 16, 2009

How To Raise Our IQ: "Inflict" Kids with Books!!!

Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times:
"One indication of the importance of school is that children’s I.Q.’s drop or stagnate over the summer months when they are on vacation (particularly for kids whose parents don’t inflict books or summer programs on them)."

"Inflicting" to describe books or summer programs!! This word illustrates the attitude and sentiment of many people regarding education. It would be terrific if we valued mental fitness as much as physical fitness.

Here's the American Heritage Dictionary definition

in·flict (n-flkt) KEY TRANSITIVE VERB: in·flict·ed , in·flict·ing , in·flicts
To deal or mete out (something punishing or burdensome); impose: inflicted heavy losses on the enemy; a storm that inflicted widespread damage.
To afflict.

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