Thursday, February 19, 2009

Response to Teach Your Children Well HuffPost

Confidence is often a result of effort and mistakes.. As a Math peak performance coach and a parent, my role is to help people to build their Math Confidence through knowledge, skills and attitude. Self-esteem in any discipline can be heightened by taking risks and making mistakes -- thereby growing wiser.
The huge attitudinal component associated with Math is twofold:
1. a grade of A is usually harder to achieve in Math than in other subjects. It is tough to be perfectionistic and be a Math student.
2. "When Are We Ever Gonna Use This Math?" is not posed because they so eager to use it, it"s a you-can't-make-me type of question?rather than "This is so cool " I can't wait to use it!!"
People confuse utility with critical thinking skills -- maybe the curriculum should be Excel spreadsheets. For now it's Algebra and Trig. Why did we read "The Odyssey"? It's just plain good for you like gym and vegetables.
Looking beyond grades and focusing on learning and effort is a great life lesson for students, parents, teachers and society at large.

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