Monday, November 23, 2009

Engineers as Role Models (besides athletes and entertainers)

The White House is starting a campaign to promote Math and Science ed...maybe this will help STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) 's PR ;)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Warning from Free Rice

WARNING: This game may make you smarter. It may improve your speaking, writing, thinking, grades, job performance...

Friday, November 20, 2009

Checking Homework and Metacognition (Thinking about Thinking)

This Newsweek article by Po Bronson, author of Nurture Shock, is titled "At What Age Do You No Longer Have to Check Your Children's Homework?". This is a complex question as many middle schoolers are still developing metacognitive skills for self-evaluation (do I get it?) and the maturity for self-advocacy (I should see the teacher).

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Free Rice Has Math and Vocab and More!

The United Nations World Food Program's raises awareness of world hunger by donating 10 grains of rice for every correct answer. Besides Math, there's Art, Chemistry, English, Geography and Language Learning.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Coolmath's Math Survival Guide

Very witty and funny ;)

Might think of the wording from a different perspective -- like Thrive with Math. or Math Enjoyment Guide!

Her very terrific web site is

Friday, November 13, 2009

Algebra II Regents Sampler

The sampler for Alg II includes trig, abs value inequalities, function definition, logs in non-Base 10, trig identities, imaginary numbers, negative exponents, stats, inverse functions, domain of a fucntion, binomial expansion, compounded interest, sequences, Law of Cosines.

As far as informing SAT prep, abs value inequalities, function notation, summation, negative exponents, equation of a circle, and solving algebraic equations.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Habits of Mind from Studying Math

From The Opportunity Equation:
"Math and science embody habits of mind and methods for discerning meaning that enable students to learn deeply and critically in all areas."

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Goal; Much Higher Level of Math and Science Learning

"The Opportunity Equation: Transforming Mathematics and Science Education for Citizenship and the Global Economy"

The Carnegie Foundation and IAS at Princeton have published a report entitled "The Opportunity Equation" about the importance of Math and Science education. An interesting fact is that most of the authors and advisors are college and corporate level -- classroom teachers and educational administrators may contribute ideas and perspective.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Bedtime is Book Time, Math in the Morning

This blogger who has a 7 year old and 5 year old muses on the popularity of bedtime stories and would like Math to get its fair share of time ;)
This might also fall into the category of beforeschooling (working on homework with your kids in the morning before school) !! (as opposed to afterschooling -- working on homework with your kids in the evening/afternoon)