Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Math Classroom Management and Leadership Tool Kit Part II

Other ideas for classroom management and leadership:
Environmental changes: Lights up, lights down Open door, close door
Walk around with a pen so you can mark up student work
Popsicle sticks with student names for cold calling
Hands on activities
Guest speakers
Skeleton for notes

In today's fast paced society, where in person meetings must compete with online games and social media, we can help create opportunities for students to be actively learning.  This is a challenge as students may not see the importance of Math and/or education.  If we are willing to change modalities and keep up the pace, we may be able to lead our students and  engage them for a longer period of time thereby creating more learning opportunities.

Ideally, we would like students to be self-motivated but more on that in the next post.

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